Summer Research Awards

All participants in the School of Science Summer Research Program present their research findings at the Brousseau Poster Session held each fall. Students who conduct research during the academic year or at other institutions are also welcome to present their results.
The student whose research poster is deemed the most outstanding by the research committee is presented with the Joseph P. McKenna Science Medal.
Joseph P. McKenna Award Winners
Daniel Vasilyev (Psychology: Mentor - Makenzie O'Neil)
Boosting Creativity: How Different Positive Emotions Impact Creativity
Cassandra Paes (Psychology: Mentor - Professor Hoang Vu)
The Effect of Social Environment as a Protective Factor Against Dementia
Joseph Garrett (Chemistry: Mentor - Professor Mark Lingwood)
Immobilized Radicals for DNP Enhanced NMR and MRI
Lucy Weatherall (Psychology: Mentor - Professor Emily Hause)
State and Trait Anxiety in Primary Care
Chaylin Dupee (Biology: Mentor - Professor James Berleman)
Genetic Analysis of Microbial Interactions
Esther Woo (BioChemistry: Mentor - Professor Joel Burley)
Environmental Privilege: Evaluating Air Pollution in Working Class Communities
Ariana Hofelmann (3+2 Engineering: Mentor – Professor Brian Hill)
Astrophotometry of Eclipsing Binaries and Exoplanets
Kyla Cole (Allied Health Science: Mentor – Professor Sonya Schuh)
Environmental toxin effects on Xenopus laevis embryo growth and development
Kristina Pravoverov (Biology: Mentor - Professor Vidya Chandrasekaran)
Understanding the role of miR21 and miR335 in dendritic growth and retraction
Elijah Soria (Math: Mentor - Professor Kristen Beck)
Nth roots of Fibonacci fractions
Brianna Bibel (Biology: Mentor - Professor Jeff Sigman)
Structure/functional analysis of the neuropeptide processing enzyme neurolysin
Nikita Chaudhri (Biology: Mentor - Professor Vidya Chandrasekaran)
The role of sonic hedgehog on dendritic growth in sympathetic neurons
Nathalie Lambrecht (Biology: Mentor - Professor Jeff Bernard)
The effect of amino-acid supplementation, diet and chronic exercise of training on glucose tolerance in Sprague-Dawley rats
Christopher Beck (Biology: Mentor - Professor Joel Burley)
Remote and Urban Air Quality: Surface Ozone in the Bay Area and White Mountains of CA.
Gabrielle Diaz (Biochemistry: Mentor - Professor Jeffrey Sigman)
Thimet Oligopeptidase: Fluorescent Labeling to Investigate Structural Changes.
Thomas Reynolds (Cellular and Molecular Biology; Mentor - Professor Keith Garrison).
Novel Polymorphisms in Human Endogenous Retrovirus K113 as Observed in the Human Adenocarcinoma Cell Line MCF-7
Christian Snead "Analysis of Membrane Composition and Identification of Halophilic Bacteria Using Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Profiles"
Michelle Souza "Feasibility of a Real-Time PCR Assay Covering a Broad Spectrum of High-Risk HPV Genotypes"
Katie Azevedo "Surface Ozone Concentration and Weekend Effect Study in Joshua Tree National Park and Surrounding Urban Locations"
Ashley Martin "Influence of Global Geology on the Evolution of Animals: Breakup of Pangaea and the Molecular Phylogeny of Amphibians"